22 research outputs found

    Designing problem-specific operators for solving the Cell Switch-Off problem in ultra-dense 5G networks with hybrid MOEAs

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    The massive deployment of base stations is one of the key pillars of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile communications. However, this network densification entails high energy consumption that must be addressed to enhance the sustainability of this industry. This work faces this problem from a multi-objective optimization perspective, in which both energy efficiency and quality of service criteria are taken into account. To do so, several newly problem-specific operators have been designed so as to engineer hybrid multi-objective evolutionary metaheuristics (MOEAs) that bring expert knowledge of the domain to the search of the algorithms. These hybrid approaches have been able to improve upon canonical versions of the algorithms, clearly showing the contributions of our approach. Furthermore, this paper tests the hypothesis that the hybridization using several of those problem-specific operators simultaneously can enhance the search of MOEAs that are endowed only with a single one.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via grant PID2020-112545RB-C54European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR under grants TED2021-131699BI00TED2021-129938B-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, FEDER)Andalusian PAIDI program with grants A-TIC-608- UGR20, P18.RT.4830PYC20-RE-012-UGRSupercomputing and Bioinformatics Center of the Universidad de MálagaUniversidad de Málaga/CBU

    Chained Orchestrator Algorithm for RAN-Slicing Resource Management: A Contribution to Ultra-Reliable 6G Communications

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    The exponentially growing trend of Internet-connected devices and the development of new applications have led to an increase in demands and data rates flowing over cellular networks. If this continues to have the same tendency, the classification of 5G services must evolve to encompass emerging communications. The advent of the 6G Communications concept takes this into account and raises a new classification of services. In addition, an increase in network specifications was established. To meet these new requirements, enabling technologies are used to augment and manage Radio Access Network (RAN) resources. One of the most important mechanisms is the logical segmentation of the RAN, i.e. RAN-Slicing. In this study, we explored the problem of resource allocation in a RAN-Slicing environment for 6G ecosystems in depth, with a focus on network reliability. We also propose a chained orchestrator algorithm for dynamic resource management that includes estimation techniques, inter-slice resource sharing and intra-slice resource assignment. These mechanisms are applied to new types of services in the future generation of cellular networks to improve the network latency, capacity and reliability. The numerical results show a reduction in blocked connections of 38.46% for eURLLC type services, 21.87% for feMBB services, 12.5% for umMTC, 11.86% for ELDP and 11.76% for LDHMC.Spanish National Program of Research, Development, Innovation, under Grant RTI2018-102002-A-I00Junta de Extremadura under Project IB18003 and Grant GR2109

    Detection and Mitigation of DoS and DDoS Attacks in IoT-Based Stateful SDN: An Experimental Approach

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    The expected advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has triggered a large demand of embedded devices, which envisions the autonomous interaction of sensors and actuators while offering all sort of smart services. However, these IoT devices are limited in computation, storage, and network capacity, which makes them easy to hack and compromise. To achieve secure development of IoT, it is necessary to engineer scalable security solutions optimized for the IoT ecosystem. To this end, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a promising paradigm that serves as a pillar in the fifth generation of mobile systems (5G) that could help to detect and mitigate Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) threats. In this work, we propose to experimentally evaluate an entropy-based solution to detect and mitigate DoS and DDoS attacks in IoT scenarios using a stateful SDN data plane. The obtained results demonstrate for the first time the effectiveness of this technique targeting real IoT data traffic.This research was funded by EU, European Regional Development Fund, and the regional government of Extremadura, Spain, grant number IB18003, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant numbers TIN2016-75097-P, RTI2018-102002-A-I00, PEJ2018-003648-A and FEDER and Junta de Andalucía grant number B-TIC-402-UGR18

    Artificial Intelligence and Dimensionality Reduction: Tools for Approaching Future Communications

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Fraunhofer-Heinrich- Hertz-Institut for acquiring and sharing the data associated to the rooftop and auditorium communication scenarios, the NextG Channel Model Alliance for creating a space to share public databases of propagation measurements, José Francisco Cortés-Gómez for the graphical support, Carmelo García-García for his help in the measurements acquisition, and Sohrab Vafa, Pablo Padilla and Francisco Luna-Valero for their valuable comments.This article presents a novel application of the t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) clustering algorithm to the telecommunication field. t-SNE is a dimensionality reduction algorithm that allows the visualization of large dataset into a 2D plot. We present the applicability of this algorithm in a communication channel dataset formed by several scenarios (anechoic, reverberation, indoor and outdoor), and by using six channel features. Applying this artificial intelligence (AI) technique, we are able to separate different environments into several clusters allowing a clear visualization of the scenarios. Throughout the article, it is proved that t-SNE has the ability to cluster into several subclasses, obtaining internal classifications within the scenarios themselves. t-SNE comparison with different dimensionality reduction techniques (PCA, Isomap) is also provided throughout the paper. Furthermore, post-processing techniques are used to modify communication scenarios, recreating a real communication scenario from measurements acquired in an anechoic chamber. The dimensionality reduction and classification by using t-SNE and Variational AutoEncoders show good performance distinguishing between the recreation and the real communication scenario. The combination of these two techniques opens up the possibility for new scenario recreations for future mobile communications. This work shows the potential of AI as a powerful tool for clustering, classification and generation of new 5G propagation scenarios.Spanish Program of Research, Development, and Innovation under Project RTI2018-102002-A-I00Junta de Andalucía under Project B-TIC-402-UGR18 and Project P18.RT.4830Ministerio de Universidades, Gobierno de España under Predoctoral Grant FPU19/0125

    Compact and Low-Loss V-Band Waveguide Phase Shifter Based on Glide-Symmetric Pin Configuration

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    This paper presents a compact and low-loss V-band waveguide phase shifter based on glidesymmetric pin configuration. This kind of higher symmetry permits the control and improvement of the electromagnetic behavior or radiofrequency devices, as it is the case of the proposed phase shifter. The study of the dispersion diagram of the phase shifter unitary cell demonstrates that the pin configuration is a proper option for introducing a phase shift in a waveguide-based system. There is a significant increase in terms of phase shift when using a glide-symmetric pin distribution compared to its corresponding nonglide- symmetric configuration. Through this paper, the key geometrical parameters are also determined. The complete phase shifter is composed of an optimized cascade of tailored unitary cells so that the desired final phase shift value is achieved. A prototype has been manufactured in order to validate the theoretical approach through the comparison of phased shifters with both non-glide-symmetric and glide-symmetric configurations. The measurement results demonstrate the higher performance and compactness of the glidesymmetric phase shifter. For the same distance, the glide-symmetric version of the phase shifter provides more than 60% of phase shifting compared to the non-glide-symmetric phase shifter. Both phase shifters have a good impedance matching between 46 and 60 GHz and an insertion loss lower than 1 dB, thus clearly enabled as a 5G technology.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Research and Development National Program and FEDER under project TIN2016-75097-P, in part by the Universidad de Málaga, under Grant PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/15, in part by the Universidad de Granada under Project PPJI2017.15, and in part by the Universidad de Granada through the grant program ``Becas de iniciación a la investigación'' from the Plan Propio de Investigación

    Applying Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Powerlifting Results

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    This work was partially funded by projects PID2020-113462RB-I00 (ANIMALICOS), PID2020-115570GB-C22, and PID2020-115570GB-C21, granted by the Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad; project TED2021-129938B-I00, granted by the Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación; projects P18-RT-4830 and A-TIC-608-UGR20, granted by Junta de Andalucía; and project B-TIC-402-UGR18 (FEDER and Junta de Andalucía).This paper presents a study on the creation of a tool to help powerlifting athletes and coaches, as well as bodybuilders and other amateur gym athletes, to analyse their data and obtain useful information regarding the athlete’s performance. The tool should also predict future personal records in lifting for both raw (non-equipped) and non-raw (equipped) attempts, and their various exercises. In order to achieve this, a dataset with entries of around 500 k lifters and more than 20 k official powerlifting competitions was used. Among those entries, biometric variables of the lifters and the weights they lift in each of the three movements of this sport discipline were included: squat, bench press, and deadlift. We applied data preprocessing and visualising as well as data splitting and scaling techniques in order to train the machine learning models that are used to make the predictions. Lastly, the best predictive models were used in the implemented tool.Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad ID2020-113462RB-I00, PID2020-115570GB-C22, PID2020-115570GB-C2Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación TED2021-129938B-I00Junta de Andalucía P18-RT-4830, A-TIC-608-UGR20FEDER and Junta de Andalucía B-TIC-402-UGR1

    On the MIMO Capacity for Distributed System under Composite Rayleigh/Rician Fading and Shadowing

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    Wireless channels are commonly affected by short-term fading and long-term fading (shadowing). The shadowing effects must be taken into account also when mobility is present in the wireless scenario. Using a composite fading model, the total channel capacity can be studied for a scenario with short-term Rayleigh fading along with shadowing. This work provides quantitative results for these kinds of scenarios with Rayleigh fading and shadowing, considering also multiple-input and multiple-output systems, which have not been previously reported. In addition, the channel capacity has been studied in depth in its relation with the shadowing level, signal to noise ratio, and the number of elements in the multiple-input and multiple-output system. Moreover, the channel performance with shadowing has been compared to the one without it. Furthermore, Rician model with shadowing is studied and its results are reported. In addition, correlated and experimental results are provided. It is identified that the distributed MIMO systems can benefit from shadowing in Rician channels. This advantage has not been reported previously. This type of fading is proposed for massive MIMO by others and our results open the door to emulate massive MIMO on a reverberation chamber.This work has been supported by “Gobierno de Extremadura” with project number IB13113, PYR-2014 GENIL project (PYR-2014-CEB09-0010/MICINN), and CEIbioTIC project (mP_TIC_11)

    Enabling Intelligent Omni-Surfaces in the Polarization Domain: Principles, Implementation and Applications

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    Research in wireless communications based on reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) has surged in the communication-theoretic arena. Recently, the RIS concept has moved into the area of so-called simultaneously transmitting and reflecting intelligent omni-surfaces (STAR-IOS, or simply IOS), which extend the RIS functionality by incorporating transmission (in addition to reflection) capabilities. Development of STAR-IOS’ full and independent reconfiguration capabilities for both reflected and transmitted waves is crucial. However, such full independent reconfiguration has thus far been hampered by the intimate coupling between the transmission and reflection behavior of IOS elements. To overcome this challenge and realize the full potential of reconfigurable IOS-aided systems, in this article we advocate for the use of the polarization domain in the design and operation of STAR-IOS. Thanks to the polarization-dependent features of IOS elements, fully independent (reconfigurable) transmission and reflection modes can be delivered, thus bringing key performance improvements in, and opportunities for, new communication scenarios.This work was funded in part by Junta de Andalucía through grant EMERGIA20-00297; in part by the State Research Agency of Spain (AEI) and the European Social Fund under grant RYC2020-030536-I; in part by PID2020-112545RB-C54, PID2020-118139RB-I00, PDC2022-133900-I00, TED2021-129938B-I00, TED2021-131699B-I00 and IJC2020-043599-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA

    Analytical Approach of Director Tilting in Nematic Liquid Crystals for Electronically Tunable Devices

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    This paper presents an analytical expression that models the tilt angle of directors in a nematic liquid crystal (LC), depending on its elastic properties, its dielectric anisotropy, and the quasi-static electric field applied. The analytical solution obtained is fast and easily computable in comparison with numerical estimations and is of special interest in radiofrequency; for instance, for the LC modeling in full-wave electromagnetic simulators in the design process of electronically tunable devices, such as microwave phase shifters or electronically steerable antennas for satellite communications. Subsequently, a comparison is made between numerical approaches (self-implemented shooting method) and the analytical formulas when varying the parameters of the LC, being demonstrated its usefulness. The average LC director is then obtained and used to form the full permittivity tensor that completely characterizes the electrical properties of the material. Finally, an electromagnetic simulation is carried out to show the capabilities of the LC as a tunable phase shifter. It is shown that only 5 cm of a commercial 200-mm LC mixture is necessary to achieve 360 of the maximum variable phase shift at the 30-GHz bandThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Research and Development National Program under Project TIN2016-75097-P, and in part by the Ministerio de Economía under Project TEC2017-85529-C3-1-R

    Electronically Controllable Phase Shifter with Progressive Impedance Transformation at K Band

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    This communication presents the design of a two-port electronically tunable phase shifter at K band. The phase shifter consists of a 3 dB hybrid coupler loaded with reflective phase-controllable circuits. The reflective circuits are formed by varactors and non-sequential impedance transformers which increase the operational bandwidth and the provided phase shift. The final phase shifter design is formed by two loaded-coupler stages of phase shifting to guarantee a complete phase turn. An 18 GHz phase shifter design with dynamic range of 600 degrees of phase shift is depicted in this document. The prototype is manufactured and validated through measurements showing good agreement with the simulation results.This work has been partially supported by the TIN2016-75097-P, RTI2018-102002-A-I00, and EQC2018- 004988-P projects of the Spanish National Program of Research, Development, and Innovation and project B-TIC-402-UGR18 of Junta de Andalucí